Get to Know Our High Schools
At Yeshiva University High Schools, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional Jewish education rooted in Torah learning and modern scholarship. Our students develop a deep love for Torah, Eretz Yisrael, and the Jewish people, while engaging in rigorous academic studies that foster intellectual curiosity and personal growth. Through the resources of Yeshiva University and the support of a caring community, we inspire students to lead lives of integrity, purpose, and distinction, committed to Torah values and making a meaningful impact in the world.
Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy
Yeshiva University High School for Boys
Samuel H. Wang
Yeshiva University High School for Girls
Maximizing Opportunity Through Yeshiva University Partnership Programs
Explore the exclusive programs and resources that enrich your high school experience, connecting you to the Torah, academic, cultural, and leadership opportunities at Yeshiva University.
YU Honors Pathway Program
Discover how high-achieving students can gain early assurance into Yeshiva University’s prestigious honors programs.
(Available to Central and MTA students)

YU Residency Advancement Program
Get a head start on college with this opportunity to earn YU credits while still in high school.
(Available to Central and MTA students)

YUHS Leadership Track
Develop your leadership skills through immersive seminars and mentorship from YU's leadership fellows.
(Available to Central and MTA students)

Science Institute Program
This program offers students the chance to focus on scientific research, with lab sessions, internships, and opportunities at the Einstein School of Medicine under expert guidance.
(Available to Central students)

YU-MTA Shiur Partnership
Engage with YU's rebbeim in a unique partnership that enriches your learning experience.
(Available to MTA students)

YU-MTA Night Seder Program
Commit to nightly Torah study alongside YU talmidim in this transformative beit midrash experience.
(Available to MTA students)

Rambam Bekiyut Program
Explore the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah through focused weekly study with YU rebbeim.
(Available to Central students)

The YU Honors Pathway Program recognizes and rewards three high-achieving incoming freshmen at both MTA and Central with early assurance into the honors programs at Yeshiva College, Stern College for Women, or the Sy Syms School of Business. This distinguished opportunity highlights academic excellence and provides a seamless pathway to their future at Yeshiva University.
Through the YU Residency Advancement Program, MTA students can earn up to a semester of Yeshiva University credits by completing 12 credits at YU, while Central students can earn the same by completing YU-accredited courses offered directly on their high school campus. These credits apply toward YU’s six-semester residency requirement, giving motivated students a head start on their college experience and the opportunity to complete their degree in as few as five semesters.
MTA and Central students can apply to the YUHS Leadership Track, where they participate in seminars, extracurricular leadership activities, and cohort-based programming led by Yeshiva University Leadership Scholars from the Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks-Herenstein Center for Values and Leadership. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Erica Brown, these programs are designed to cultivate the leadership skills necessary for the next generation of Jewish leaders.
The Science Institute Program is an innovative program designed for select students to concentrate their high school studies on scientific knowledge, science literacy, and research methodology. Starting in sophomore year, participants engage in a specialized science curriculum aimed at enriching their knowledge, skills, and passion for science. Professor Jason J. Williams from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory leads the Research Methodology course, meeting with students weekly in the lab on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Participants also have access to research opportunities at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and can participate in prestigious summer internships, national and international science competitions, and Yeshiva University’s annual Medical Ethics Conference, all under the expert guidance of Mrs. Ruth Fried.
Every MTA shiur is paired with a YU Rebbe, providing students with the opportunity to learn from YU’s leading Torah scholars. Monthly shiurim, Q&A sessions, and informal discussions allow students to engage directly with their YU Rebbe. Additionally, quarterly chavrusa sessions in the beis medrash foster unity and shared learning experiences between MTA and YU talmidim.
Over 25 MTA students have committed to joining YU’s Night Seder program, learning from 8:00 to 10:00 PM twice a week in the YU Beit Midrash. These talmidim keep pace with the YU students, even taking the same bechinos. In addition to the yeshiva’s regular night seder, over 80 MTA talmidim also participate in Thursday night learning sessions in the YU Beis Medrash from 8:00 to 10:00 PM.
Explore the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah through focused weekly study, guided by Rabbi Zvi Lew and guest Yeshiva University rebbeim, including Rabbi Hershel Schachter and Rabbi Mordechai Willig.
Important Dates
Central Open House
Sunday, November 3rd
MTA Open House
Saturday, November 9th

Contact Us
to Learn More
For questions about MTA:
For questions about YUHSG / CENTRAL:
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Whose YU Experience Begins in High School