Yeshiva University has an impressive inventory of academic scholarships available to undergraduate students. Honors scholarships are a form of gift aid and reward our most qualified and gifted students. We invite you to consider which award best applies to you.
Honors Leadership Society
The Zahava and Moshael J. Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought Scholars
The Straus Scholars Program is tailored for undergraduate students who demonstrate high academic achievement in both Jewish and general studies and a commitment to studying the great works of the Jewish and Western tradition. Scholars, the aspiring intellectual leaders of tomorrow, will undertake a course of study including specially designed, unique interdisciplinary courses bridging Torah and the great works of art, literature, philosophy, and political science. They also benefit from unique mentorship, networking and internship opportunities.
Students must apply and be accepted to Yeshiva University Honors
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 a year
In addition to the generous financial incentive, Straus Scholars will have access to an unparalleled range of academic, professional, and networking opportunities.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Straus Scholarship Application Deadline
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Contact Information
Dr. Shaina Trapedo Shaina.Trapedo@yu.edu
For More Information:
Leadership Scholars
The Leadership Scholars are a cohort of incoming undergraduates in Stern College for Women, Yeshiva College and Sy Syms School of Business who demonstrate excellence in academics and have a proven track record of leadership in high school and beyond.
Scholars will participate in ongoing seminars, extra-curricular leadership activities, and cohort-based programming. They will also benefit from mentorship opportunities and customized internships. The program will develop both the leadership skills and the conceptual leadership frameworks of those seeking careers in non-profit management, the business sector, education, or communal work.
Leadership Scholars is a three-year cohort-based undergraduate experience.
Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to strengthening the Jewish and wider community through chessed-based work, activism, volunteerism or social justice initiatives. They have held significant leadership roles and intend to enhance their leadership in college and beyond.
Candidates must be previously admitted to the YU Honors program.
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to three years of full-time study at one of our New York campuses and maintenance of satisfactory academic performance and good standing. Additional program requirements may apply. Students may be in both the Honors Program and the Leadership Scholars Program concurrently, but only qualify for one tuition-based scholarship.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Leadership application deadline
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Lieberman-Mitzner Center for Public Service and Advocacy Scholars
Inspired by the renowned figure of faith in the public square, Senator Joseph Lieberman, the Lieberman-Mitzner Center for Public Service and Advocacy Scholarship will develop the next generation of government leaders and public advocates, with a national and international focus, who are deeply rooted in Jewish values and tradition.
Candidates must be previously accepted to the Honors program.
Demonstrated passion and a desire to pursue a career in public service.
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 per year
Award cannot be deferred but is renewable for up to three years of full-time study on campus in New York and maintain satisfactory academic progress.
Need based?
Admission application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Lieberman-Mitzner Application Deadline
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Contact information
Dr. Sharon Poczter sharon.poczter@yu.edu
YU-Einstein Medical Scholars
The YU-Einstein Medical Scholars Program is a partnership between Yeshiva University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine that provides a select number of exceptional high school seniors early assurance to an honors undergraduate education and medical school training. Successful candidates will be encouraged to explore a wide range of Yeshiva liberal arts and sciences majors in order to acquire a broad-based education that can be applied to the study of modern medical science.
High school seniors should have a demonstrable interest in medicine and be certain that medicine is the lifetime career they want to pursue. Successful candidates will be encouraged to explore a wide range of Yeshiva liberal arts and sciences majors in order to acquire a broad-based education that can be applied to the study of modern medical science.
• Be a U.S. Citizen or lawful permanent resident, or have asylee status
• Students must be in their senior year of high school
• Earn an SAT score of 1460 or better, or a 32 or better on the ACT
• Secure a 94 or better grade point average in high school
• Be admitted to Yeshiva College, Stern College for Women, or Sy Syms School of Business Honors Program
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study at one of our New York campuses, maintain a 3.75 GPA, participate in medically-related experiences and research, as well as other program-specific requirements. Scholars must start their studies in New York no later than one year after high school graduation.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Medical Scholars Application
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
contact information
Dr. Richard Weiss rweiss1@yu.edu
For more information
University Honors Scholarships
Distinguished Honors Scholarship
The Distinguished Honors Scholarship is awarded through a comprehensive admissions process. Honors students participate in Honors classes and programs and are eligible to graduate with Honors upon completion of an Honors thesis.
Applicants who have a strong academic background in high school, evidenced by high grades and standardized test scores can apply for Honors admission. Students will need to go through the Honors selection process, including additional application requirements, participation in an Honors admissions day, including an interview.
Award Amount
Early Decision Honors Award = Up to $25,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study at one of our New York Campuses with maintenance of required GPA and program requirements.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Contact Information
Ayelet Strauss honors@yu.edu
Masmidim Scholarships
The Masmidim Honors Program, under the aegis of the Mazer Yeshiva Program (MYP), offers accelerated study and scholarship support to a small group of budding Torah scholars. Candidates are exceptional incoming students each year who demonstrate potential to become genuine talmidei chochomim.
Talmidim learn approximately 100 blatt of bekius annually, and sit for both periodic and cumulative bechinos. Talmidim meet weekly with senior roshei yeshiva for singular dinner-chaburos and attend Rav Twersky’s Thursday night machshava shiur. Additionally, in their first year, talmidim learn the 13 Ikkarim with Rav Twersky.
For more information, click here.
Candidates must participate in an oral bechina with Rav Hershel Schachter and Rav Twersky during their time in Eretz Yisrael.
To apply for Masmidim, you must have previously been accepted to Yeshiva University to study on the Wilf Campus, either at Yeshiva College or the Sy Syms School of Business, with preference being given to Honors admits.
YU Masmidim award cannot be deferred.
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 per year
Award requires a three year commitment on campus and is renewable for a fourth year. Additional academic requirements and commitments are required.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Masmidim application deadline
Apply by
Professor Thomas Otway Memorial Scholarships
The Professor Thomas Otway Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the memory of the beloved Chairman of the Stern College for Women Mathematical Sciences Department. Recipients must be committed to a major in computer science. Applications should be submitted in the year prior to matriculation at Stern College for Women.
Students must be admitted into the S. Daniel Abraham Honors program (early or regular decision), and complete a supplemental application describing their interest in computer science as a major and eventual career.
Award Amount
$5,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to three years of full-time study in Stern College for Women as a computer science major. This scholarship cannot be deferred.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Alan Broder alan.broder@yu.edu
Anne Scheiber Honors Scholarship
Benefactor Anne Scheiber believed in the mission of YU: to apply the best of Torah values and Western knowledge to serving the community. In 1995, her estate established the Anne Scheiber Scholarship Fund for financially and academically deserving Jewish women studying at Stern College for Women and Albert Einstein College of Medicine "who have indicated their desire to assist in the development of humanity, and alleviate pain and suffering."
Students must be enrolled at Stern College for Women, intend to study medicine or the physical and natural sciences and demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students also must show leadership potential, initiative or creative excellence through extracurricular activities and community involvement, and indicate a desire to assist humanity.
Must have graduated high school with a 3.25 (87 average) or better.
Continuing students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better.
There are two types of Scheiber Scholarships:
Scheiber Honors Scholars - Students who have been accepted as an Honors student and have a demonstrated financial need (by way of their FAFSA).
Scheiber Scholars - Students who meet the spirit of the Scheiber vision and have a demonstrated financial need (by way of their FAFSA).
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 annual scholarship
Students enrolled in one of Stern College of Women's STEM-related programs are eligible.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Admission application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Brenda Loewy loewy@yu.edu
Merit Scholarship
Merit Scholarships are awarded as a part of the admissions process based on the applicant's performance in high school. Overall GPA, standardized test scores (if available), as well as other supporting information is taken into consideration for eligibility.
All first-time applicants, who have not applied for honors and are not transfer applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship.
Award Amount
Up to $5,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study at one of our New York campuses and maintenance of satisfactory academic performance and good standing.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Regular Admission
contact information
Office of Undergraduate Admissions yuadmit@yu.edu
Dean's Scholarship
Dean's Scholarships are awarded as a part of the admissions process based on the applicant's performance in high school. Overall GPA, standardized test scores (if available), as well as other supporting information are taken into consideration for eligibility. Dean's Scholars are granted permission to register for honors courses and participate in designated honors activities (space permitting).
All first-time applicants, who are not applying as a transfer student are automatically considered for this scholarship.
Award Amount
Up to $10,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study at one of our New York campuses and maintenance of satisfactory academic performance and good standing.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application Deadlines
Regular Admission
contact information
Office of Undergraduate Admissions yuadmit@yu.edu
Jewish Foundation for Education of Women (JFEW)
Through a partnership with the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women (JFEW), women in Stern College for Women will have the opportunity to participate in summer research internships for which they receive a stipend, attend and present research at national and international science conferences, receive one-on-one mentoring by Stern science faculty and participate in lectures and workshops on topics addressing leadership training, career development and academic success.
Candidates need to have a strong academic background with a high school GPA of 86 or better.
Students must file a FAFSA in order to be considered.
Applications available upon request.
Award Amount
$10,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to three years of full-time study in Stern College for Women and maintain program requirements.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadline
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Alyssa Schuck schuck@yu.edu
Anne Scheiber Scholarship
Benefactor Anne Scheiber believed in the mission of YU: to apply the best of Torah values and Western knowledge to serving the community. In 1995, her estate established the Anne Scheiber Scholarship Fund for financially and academically deserving Jewish women studying at Stern College for Women and Albert Einstein College of Medicine "who have indicated their desire to assist in the development of humanity, and alleviate pain and suffering."
Students must be enrolled at Stern College for Women, intend to study medicine or the physical and natural sciences and demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students also must show leadership potential, initiative or creative excellence through extracurricular activities and community involvement, and indicate a desire to assist humanity.
Must have graduated high school with a 3.25 (87 average) or better.
Continuing students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better.
There are two types of Scheiber Scholarships:
Scheiber Honors Scholars - Students who have been accepted as an Honors student and have a demonstrated financial need (by way of their FAFSA).
Scheiber Scholars - Students who meet the spirit of the Scheiber vision and have a demonstrated financial need (by way of their FAFSA).
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 annual scholarship
Students enrolled in one of Stern College of Women's STEM-related programs are eligible.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Admission application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Brenda Loewy loewy@yu.edu
Gewurz Scholarship
Through the Gewurz Family Foundation, Yeshiva University benefactors Samuel and Brenda Gewurz established a scholarship for up to two students from Montreal annually. Students who accept the Gewurz YU Scholarship agree to meet with a member or members of the Gewurz Family and accept occasional speaking, media and other engagements as recipients of the award and as profile students of Yeshiva University.
Candidates must be Canadian citizens who have graduated from a Jewish High School in Montreal. Candidates must also complete additional supplemental questions on their application.
Award Amount
$25,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study on campus in New York.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application deadlines
Regular Admissions
Katz Scholarships for Jewish Educators
The Mordecai D. and Monique C. Katz Scholarships for Jewish Educators provide substantial tuition support for students preparing for careers in Jewish education as part of the Legacy Heritage Jewish Educators Project at Stern College for Women. Candidates must be in the Jewish Studies major with a concentration in Jewish Education.
Katz Scholars will be chosen on a competitive basis. The selection committee will consider high school and post-high school Israel records, letters of recommendation and evidence of interest in and talent for a career in Jewish education. New applicants complete the regular application for admission to Stern College for Women, as well as the supplemental forms.
The ideal candidate is completing their studies in Israel, however, other applicants are welcome to apply.
Award Amount
$20,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to three years of study on campus in Stern College for Women. Award is given in the form of grants and forgivable loans. Loans will be forgiven on a prorated basis, post-graduation, over the first two years in the field
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Deena Rabinovich drabinov@yu.edu
Anita Zucker Early Childhood Jewish Education Scholarship
This extraordinary scholarship will provide clinical field work and student teaching experiences as part of the AAQEP accredited, NYS Educator Preparation Program at Stern College for Women. Candidates must have a commitment to early childhood education, a strong academic record, and disposed towards the education of young children.
Candidates must be an applicant to either the Childhood or Early Childhood Education program in Stern College for Women. Additional supplemental questions are required to be answered, in addition to an interview with the program director.
Award Amount
$20,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to three years of full-time study on campus in New York in either Childhood or Early Childhood Education in the Stern College for Women .
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application deadline
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Miriam Hirsch mhirsch2@yu.edu
For More Information
Learn more about Yeshiva University's Honors Leadership Society programs.
Honors and merit scholarships are renewable and guaranteed for your entire undergraduate years at Yeshiva University so long as you meet the established eligibility criteria, including full-time enrollment, academic progress as stipulated by the program, and/or a minimum GPA. Scholarship eligibility and renewal criteria differ and depend on the specific requirements of the scholarship program.
Students receiving renewable scholarships will be evaluated at the end of each semester to establish whether they are eligible for continuation of the scholarship.
Distinguished Honors Scholarships
The Distinguished Honors Scholarship is awarded through a comprehensive admissions process. Honors students participate in Honors classes and programs and are eligible to graduate with Honors upon completion of an Honors thesis.
Applicants who have a strong academic background in high school, evidenced by high grades and standardized test scores can apply for Honors admission. Students will need to go through the Honors selection process, including additional application requirements, participation in an Honors admissions day, including an interview.
Award Amount
Early Decision Honors Award = Up to $25,000 per academic year
Regular Decision Honors Award = Up to $20,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study at one of our New York Campuses with maintenance of required GPA and program requirements.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Contact Information
Ayelet Strauss honors@yu.edu
Merit Scholarships
Merit Scholarships are awarded as a part of the admissions process based on the applicant's performance in high school. Overall GPA, standardized test scores (if available), as well as other supporting information is taken into consideration for eligibility.
All first-time applicants, who have not applied for honors and are not transfer applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship.
Award Amount
Up to $5,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study at one of our New York campuses and maintenance of satisfactory academic performance and good standing.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Regular Admission
contact information
Office of Undergraduate Admissions yuadmit@yu.edu
Dean’s Scholarships
Dean's Scholarships are awarded as a part of the admissions process based on the applicant's performance in high school. Overall GPA, standardized test scores (if available), as well as other supporting information are taken into consideration for eligibility. Dean's Scholars are granted permission to register for honors courses and participate in designated honors activities (space permitting).
All first-time applicants, who are not applying as a transfer student are automatically considered for this scholarship.
Award Amount
Up to $10,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study at one of our New York campuses and maintenance of satisfactory academic performance and good standing.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application Deadlines
Regular Admission
contact information
Office of Undergraduate Admissions yuadmit@yu.edu
Masmidim Scholarships
The Masmidim Honors Program, under the aegis of the Mazer Yeshiva Program (MYP), offers accelerated study and scholarship support to a small group of budding Torah scholars. Candidates are exceptional incoming students each year who demonstrate potential to become genuine talmidei chochomim.
Talmidim learn approximately 100 blatt of bekius annually, and sit for both periodic and cumulative bechinos. Talmidim meet weekly with senior roshei yeshiva for singular dinner-chaburos and attend Rav Twersky’s Thursday night machshava shiur. Additionally, in their first year, talmidim learn the 13 Ikkarim with Rav Twersky.
For more information, click here.
Candidates must participate in an oral bechina with Rav Hershel Schachter and Rav Twersky during their time in Eretz Yisrael.
To apply for Masmidim, you must have previously been accepted to Yeshiva University to study on the Wilf Campus, either at Yeshiva College or the Sy Syms School of Business, with preference being given to Honors admits.
YU Masmidim award cannot be deferred.
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 per year
Award requires a three year commitment on campus and is renewable for a fourth year. Additional academic requirements and commitments are required.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Masmidim application deadline
Apply by
President’s Medical Scholars Program
The YU-Einstein Medical Scholars Program is a partnership between Yeshiva University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine that provides a select number of exceptional high school seniors early assurance to an honors undergraduate education and medical school training. Successful candidates will be encouraged to explore a wide range of Yeshiva liberal arts and sciences majors in order to acquire a broad-based education that can be applied to the study of modern medical science.
High school seniors should have a demonstrable interest in medicine and be certain that medicine is the lifetime career they want to pursue. Successful candidates will be encouraged to explore a wide range of Yeshiva liberal arts and sciences majors in order to acquire a broad-based education that can be applied to the study of modern medical science.
• Be a U.S. Citizen or lawful permanent resident, or have asylee status
• Students must be in their senior year of high school
• Earn an SAT score of 1460 or better, or a 32 or better on the ACT
• Secure a 94 or better grade point average in high school
• Be admitted to Yeshiva College, Stern College for Women, or Sy Syms School of Business Honors Program
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study at one of our New York campuses, maintain a 3.75 GPA, participate in medically-related experiences and research, as well as other program-specific requirements. Scholars must start their studies in New York no later than one year after high school graduation.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Medical Scholars Application
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
contact information
Dr. Richard Weiss rweiss1@yu.edu
For more information
Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought Scholars Program
The Straus Scholars Program is tailored for undergraduate students who demonstrate high academic achievement in both Jewish and general studies and a commitment to studying the great works of the Jewish and Western tradition. Scholars, the aspiring intellectual leaders of tomorrow, will undertake a course of study including specially designed, unique interdisciplinary courses bridging Torah and the great works of art, literature, philosophy, and political science. They also benefit from unique mentorship, networking and internship opportunities.
Students must apply and be accepted to Yeshiva University Honors
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 a year
In addition to the generous financial incentive, Straus Scholars will have access to an unparalleled range of academic, professional, and networking opportunities.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Straus Scholarship Application Deadline
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Contact Information
Dr. Shaina Trapedo Shaina.Trapedo@yu.edu
For More Information:
Professor Thomas Otway Memorial Scholarships
The Professor Thomas Otway Memorial Scholarship was established to honor the memory of the beloved Chairman of the Stern College for Women Mathematical Sciences Department. Recipients must be committed to a major in computer science. Applications should be submitted in the year prior to matriculation at Stern College for Women.
Students must be admitted into the S. Daniel Abraham Honors program (early or regular decision), and complete a supplemental application describing their interest in computer science as a major and eventual career.
Award Amount
$5,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to three years of full-time study in Stern College for Women as a computer science major. This scholarship cannot be deferred.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Alan Broder alan.broder@yu.edu
Jewish Foundation for Education of Women (JFEW)
Through a partnership with the Jewish Foundation for Education of Women (JFEW), women in Stern College for Women will have the opportunity to participate in summer research internships for which they receive a stipend, attend and present research at national and international science conferences, receive one-on-one mentoring by Stern science faculty and participate in lectures and workshops on topics addressing leadership training, career development and academic success.
Candidates need to have a strong academic background with a high school GPA of 86 or better.
Students must file a FAFSA in order to be considered.
Applications available upon request.
Award Amount
$10,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to three years of full-time study in Stern College for Women and maintain program requirements.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadline
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Alyssa Schuck schuck@yu.edu
Leadership Scholars
The Leadership Scholars are a cohort of incoming undergraduates in Stern College for Women, Yeshiva College and Sy Syms School of Business who demonstrate excellence in academics and have a proven track record of leadership in high school and beyond.
Scholars will participate in ongoing seminars, extra-curricular leadership activities, and cohort-based programming. They will also benefit from mentorship opportunities and customized internships. The program will develop both the leadership skills and the conceptual leadership frameworks of those seeking careers in non-profit management, the business sector, education, or communal work.
Leadership Scholars is a three-year cohort-based undergraduate experience.
Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to strengthening the Jewish and wider community through chessed-based work, activism, volunteerism or social justice initiatives. They have held significant leadership roles and intend to enhance their leadership in college and beyond.
Candidates must be previously admitted to the YU Honors program.
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 per academic year
Award is renewable for up to three years of full-time study at one of our New York campuses and maintenance of satisfactory academic performance and good standing. Additional program requirements may apply. Students may be in both the Honors Program and the Leadership Scholars Program concurrently, but only qualify for one tuition-based scholarship.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Leadership application deadline
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Katz Scholarships for Jewish Educators
The Mordecai D. and Monique C. Katz Scholarships for Jewish Educators provide substantial tuition support for students preparing for careers in Jewish education as part of the Legacy Heritage Jewish Educators Project at Stern College for Women. Candidates must be in the Jewish Studies major with a concentration in Jewish Education.
Katz Scholars will be chosen on a competitive basis. The selection committee will consider high school and post-high school Israel records, letters of recommendation and evidence of interest in and talent for a career in Jewish education. New applicants complete the regular application for admission to Stern College for Women, as well as the supplemental forms.
The ideal candidate is completing their studies in Israel, however, other applicants are welcome to apply.
Award Amount
$20,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to three years of study on campus in Stern College for Women. Award is given in the form of grants and forgivable loans. Loans will be forgiven on a prorated basis, post-graduation, over the first two years in the field
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
application deadlines
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Deena Rabinovich drabinov@yu.edu
Torah in Action Scholarship
This scholarship has an objective of attracting prospective students to Yeshiva University who exemplify our guiding principles of YU in the 21st century. Focused on Truth (Emet), Life (Chaim), Infinite Human Worth (Adam), Compassion, (Chesed), and Redemption (Tzion), prospective students who embody and embrace these values may be eligible for this scholarship.
Candidates must be nominated by a high school administrator or a Rosh Yeshiva/Head of School if studying in Israel.
Award Amount
$15,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study on campus in New York and maintain satisfactory academic progress.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application deadline
Regular Admission
contact information
Office of Undergraduate Admissions yuadmit@yu.edu
Gewurz Scholarship
Through the Gewurz Family Foundation, Yeshiva University benefactors Samuel and Brenda Gewurz established a scholarship for up to two students from Montreal annually. Students who accept the Gewurz YU Scholarship agree to meet with a member or members of the Gewurz Family and accept occasional speaking, media and other engagements as recipients of the award and as profile students of Yeshiva University.
Candidates must be Canadian citizens who have graduated from a Jewish High School in Montreal. Candidates must also complete additional supplemental questions on their application.
Award Amount
$25,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to four years of full-time study on campus in New York.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application deadlines
Regular Admissions
Anita Zucker Early Childhood Jewish Education Scholarship
This extraordinary scholarship will provide clinical field work and student teaching experiences as part of the AAQEP accredited, NYS Educator Preparation Program at Stern College for Women. Candidates must have a commitment to early childhood education, a strong academic record, and disposed towards the education of young children.
Candidates must be an applicant to either the Childhood or Early Childhood Education program in Stern College for Women. Additional supplemental questions are required to be answered, in addition to an interview with the program director.
Award Amount
$20,000 per year
Award is renewable for up to three years of full-time study on campus in New York in either Childhood or Early Childhood Education in the Stern College for Women .
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Application deadline
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Miriam Hirsch mhirsch2@yu.edu
For More Information
Senator Joseph Lieberman Center for Public Service and Advocacy Scholarship
Inspired by the renowned figure of faith in the public square, Senator Joseph Lieberman, the Lieberman-Mitzner Center for Public Service and Advocacy Scholarship will develop the next generation of government leaders and public advocates, with a national and international focus, who are deeply rooted in Jewish values and tradition.
Candidates must be previously accepted to the Honors program.
Demonstrated passion and a desire to pursue a career in public service.
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 per year
Award cannot be deferred but is renewable for up to three years of full-time study on campus in New York and maintain satisfactory academic progress.
Need based?
Admission application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Lieberman-Mitzner Application Deadline
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Contact information
Dr. Sharon Poczter sharon.poczter@yu.edu
Anne Scheiber Scholarship
Benefactor Anne Scheiber believed in the mission of YU: to apply the best of Torah values and Western knowledge to serving the community. In 1995, her estate established the Anne Scheiber Scholarship Fund for financially and academically deserving Jewish women studying at Stern College for Women and Albert Einstein College of Medicine "who have indicated their desire to assist in the development of humanity, and alleviate pain and suffering."
Students must be enrolled at Stern College for Women, intend to study medicine or the physical and natural sciences and demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students also must show leadership potential, initiative or creative excellence through extracurricular activities and community involvement, and indicate a desire to assist humanity.
Must have graduated high school with a 3.25 (87 average) or better.
Continuing students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better.
There are two types of Scheiber Scholarships:
Scheiber Honors Scholars - Students who have been accepted as an Honors student and have a demonstrated financial need (by way of their FAFSA).
Scheiber Scholars - Students who meet the spirit of the Scheiber vision and have a demonstrated financial need (by way of their FAFSA).
Award Amount
Up to $25,000 annual scholarship
Students enrolled in one of Stern College of Women's STEM-related programs are eligible.
Need based?
Additional action necessary?
Admission application deadlines
Early Decision Honors
Regular Decision Honors
Regular Admission
contact information
Dr. Brenda Loewy loewy@yu.edu
Learn more about Yeshiva University's Honors Leadership Society programs.